Ward After-School Play
Each Spring, Ward After-School puts on two plays,
one for our 3rd-5th grade students and another for our K-2s. Both plays are directed by our talented Liz Hartford and other awesome After-School teachers.
See below for quick answers to some questions you might have.
Check back here for updates and announcements!
The 3-5 Play is...

Performance Date: April 4th, 2023
Time: 6:30pm
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal Dates:
Tuesday, April 2nd
Wednesday, April 3rd
3-5 Play "Need to Knows"
Play rehearsals are held during activity and club time (3:45-4:40) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from January - April.
Students do not need to be enrolled in After-School on all three days to be part of the play, but must be enrolled in at least one.
Every student who attends auditions is cast in the play! Auditions are held during activity time in the first weeks of November. Students will be given multiple reminders and opportunities to attend.
Students do not need to prepare ahead of time for auditions. Auditions are an informal and fun process!
Students interested in being a part of the play must attend at least one audition session. Students should also be mindful of the commitment they're making when they audition. If you're cast in the play, you're in!!
The K-2 Play is....
K-2 Play "Need to Knows"
Play rehearsals are held during activity and club time (3:45-4:40) on Mondays and Thursdays in May and June.
Students do not need to be enrolled in After-School on both Mondays and Thursdays to be part of the play, but must be enrolled in at least one.
Every student who attends auditions is cast in the play! Auditions are held during activity time the first week of May. Students will be given multiple reminders and opportunities to attend.
Students interested in being a part of the play must attend at least one audition session. Students should also be mindful of the commitment they're making when they audition. If you're cast in the play, you're in!!